
We develop progressive advocacy programs and campaigns to drive the implementation of inclusive educational policies and practices.

Intersex-Inclusive Medical Care: A Call to Action for Medical Professionals

This Intersex Awareness Day, learn more about past and present gaps in medical care for people with variations of sex characteristics.


The Together Statement

The Together Statement is a democratically-formed collective statement created by LGBTQI+ youth activists and organisations around the world.

Educator’s Call to Action on Intersex Awareness Day

The Global Center partnered with 8 organizations calling on educators to create more intersex-inclusive curricula, classrooms, and educational communities. We invite you to read the statement and share with your networks!

United States Department of Education - Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

We contributed to the United States Department of Education Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 hearings. Our inputs provided evidence-based recommendations ensuring equal and nondiscriminatory access to education for all students, from pre-K-12 to postsecondary education, including in extracurricular activities and other educational settings.